VIDEO: Rubio Praises Gorsuch Pick; Says Any GOP President Would Have Nominated Him

VIDEO: Rubio Praises Gorsuch Pick; Says Any GOP President Would Have Nominated Him

In an interview this weekend, FL Sen. Marco Rubio praised President Trump’s selection of Neil Gorsuch for SCOTUS & noted that any GOP President would have likely picked him had they had the chance

April 24, 2017

In an interview this weekend WBFS’s Jim DeFede, Florida Senator Marco Rubio praised President Trump’s selection of Neil Gorsuch for the Supreme Court and noted that any GOP President would have likely picked him had they had the chance:

Read more from Breitbart on these comments from Sen. Rubio and watch the video for his explanation about how Judge Gorsuch will impact the Supreme Court moving forward.

SEN. RUBIO: “Probably the most consequential thing that he may do in his first term, unless there’s some international crisis, is the Supreme Court nomination of Neil Gorsuch. And getting him on the Court was a big achievement for the President, and in fairness, for all the criticism he gets, Neil Gorsuch is a person that could’ve been nominated by any of the 16 other Republicans that ran and probably would’ve been. You know, when they interviewed the candidates, they had narrowed it down to seven people, and they asked every single one of them in those interviews, ‘who would you pick if it wasn’t you?’ and the other six people all said the same name: Neil Gorsuch. And that’s why you saw him get the highest-rating possible from the ABA. So I think that’s an enormous achievement for a 49 year-old justice who’s going to be on the court for 20-30 years.”   

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