Roundup: Higher Minimum Wage Forcing Wendy’s To Use Self-Service Kiosks Makes National News

Roundup: Higher Minimum Wage Forcing Wendy’s To Use Self-Service Kiosks Makes National News

report that Wendy’s plans to transition to self-service kiosks due to the rising minimum wage made waves yesterday, as people took note of how a higher minimum wage threatens the foundation of the American economy

May 13, 2016

Investor’s Business Daily’s report that iconic American restaurant Wendy’s plans to transition to self-service kiosks due to the rising minimum wage made waves yesterday, as people start to take note of how a higher minimum wage threatens the foundation of the American economy.

In addition to Fox and Friends’ highlighting the news this morning, there have been multiple headlines on this news with all noting this the increase in automated workers is just one consequence of the increased minimum wage.

The Washington Times: “As Minimum-Wage Hikes Become Mandatory, Wendy’s Looks To Expand Self-Service Kiosks”

IJ Review: “Wendy’s Latest 6,000 Store Move Exposes a Damning Truth About the REAL Minimum Wage”

The Daily Caller: “Wendy’s Automates To Overcome The Minimum Wage”

RedState: “The Minimum Wage for Robots is Zero so Wendy’s Hires a Bunch”

Hot Air: “Wendy’s Moves To Self-Service Ordering As Minimum Wage Rises”

This news is generating widespread coverage because people are starting to recognize that dramatically raising the minimum wage poses real threats to jobs and the American economy. If minimum wage hikes continue, it will only add to the frequency of self-service kiosks and fewer jobs for hard-working Americans.

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