Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made it clear that they want the federal government to control every aspect of our healthcare.
September 30, 2020
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made it clear that they want the federal government to control every aspect of our healthcare.
September 30, 2020
Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have made it clear that they want the federal government to control every aspect of our healthcare.
According to reports, Biden’s healthcare proposal includes “very controversial” and “dramatic” changes that go far beyond ObamaCare. This should not come as much of a surprise since Biden has been pulled far to the left by Senator Bernie Sanders, who is the architect of a one-size-fits-all ‘Medicare for All’ system. The Biden-Sanders unity task force increased the cost of Biden’s plan from $750 billion to in excess of a trillion dollars.
Further demonstrating Biden’s lurch toward government-controlled healthcare is the fact that his vice presidential nominee was an early, vocal supporter of ‘Medicare for All.’ Kamala Harris proudly supported this complete government takeover of healthcare as both a senator and presidential candidate, dismissing studies showing it would cost taxpayers more than $32 trillion over ten years.
Bottom line: If Biden and Harris have their way, Washington bureaucrats would be put in charge of personal healthcare decisions instead of doctors and patients.