New Program To Help Missouri Students Graduate On Time

New Program To Help Missouri Students Graduate On Time

A new student-oriented program unveiled by Missouri Western State University, named “15 to Finish,” will help students find graduate on time, saving students both time and money:

August 15, 2016

A new student-oriented program unveiled by Missouri Western State University, named “15 to Finish,” will help students find graduate on time, saving students both time and money:

First up was Dr. Jeanne Daffron, the provost and vice president for Academic Affairs, who spoke about an initiative called “15 to Finish” that derives from Complete College America (CCA). 

Dafforn said the program recommends that students take 15 credit hours per semester so they can finish school within four years.

“The CCA initiative is built on evidence,” she said. “There has been a lot of research into what course loads work for students and they developed recommendations around that.”

“We have a number of students who like to take summer courses,” she said. “They may take fewer courses during fall and spring semester, so there are a variety of ways to adapt it. The program is really encouraging students to complete their degree in a fairly short amount of time, and financially that’s better for them.”

Not only does the program help students graduate on time and save them money, but it also helps students find the major that is the best fit for them for their time in college and beyond:

Daffron then brought up “Meta Majors,” another program that already is being used at the university this academic year that is designed to help undeclared students find the major that fits them best.

“We describe it as a focus area,” she said. “When students come to us, they may identify that they really want to do something related to science, or humanities or business. After they discover that focus, then we can help them narrow that down through that funnel as they proceed on through their curriculum.”

By helping students focus on finding appropriate majors and gradating early or on time, Missouri Western State University will help students with their future careers and finances.

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