WTAS: Opinion-Leaders Believe Tax Reform Framework Benefits Americans Across The Board

WTAS: Opinion-Leaders Believe Tax Reform Framework Benefits Americans Across The Board

Editorial boards and columnists are echoing that positive commentary on the GOP’s tax plan, noting that this framework “hits all the right notes for America’s middle class.”

September 28, 2017

After the GOP’s tax reform outline was unveiled, officials from the Trump Administration, lawmakers on Capitol Hill, outside policy organizations, and private sector leaders were effusive in their praise for the plan, saying it would benefit all families across the country and boost America’s economic position.

Now, editorial boards and columnists are echoing that commentary, noting that this framework “hits all the right notes for America’s middle class.”

The Wall Street Journal, Editorial Board: “The GOP Outline is a pro-growth boon

  • “Republicans finally unveiled the party’s blueprint for tax reform on Wednesday, and Americans who want a faster-growing economy should be pleased.”
  • “The most important news is that the plan would make U.S. businesses more competitive around the globe. The corporate rate will fall to 20% from 35%, which is the highest in the developed world.”
  • “Overall, the GOP has produced a tax-reform outline that can revitalize a weak economic expansion, lead to more new business creation, enhance worker productivity, and lift wages.”

National Review, The Editors: “An Opportunity for Pro-Growth and Pro-Family Tax Reform”

  • “Republicans’ framework for tax reform is chock-full of good ideas about modernizing the taxation of business.”
  • “The corporate tax rate, now higher than those of other advanced countries, would drop to below the average. Non-corporate businesses would see their tax rates drop, too. Businesses of both kinds would have less ability to deduct interest payments and could write off their investments more quickly.”

The Washington Examiner, Editorial: “GOP tax plan can raise the economic tide and lift all boats”

  • The biggest driver of new economic growth will, if passed, be a dramatic reduction in the corporate tax rate.”
  • “The GOP tax reform is a great start…here’s hoping it quickly becomes legislation then law, and thus quickly fosters economic growth and new well-paid jobs.”

The New York Post, Editorial Board: The US economy needs strong medicine to break out of the slow-growth “new normal” it’s been trapped in since the Great Recession…The Big Six… have now outlined just the medicine.”

  • “It includes corporate-tax reform to finally make US rates competitive with those of other developed nations, along with changes for other businesses to put them on a fair footing with corporations, plus revision of the personal income-tax code to put more money in middle-class pockets.”

Bradley Blakeman, The Hill: “Trump’s tax plan hits all the right notes for America’s middle class”

  • “Today, President Trump and congressional Republicans unveiled a major tax overhaul that makes sense.”
  • “The Trump plan seeks to slash corporate tax rates from close to 40 percent to 20 percent. This alone will be a huge incentive for companies to come to America and stay in America by creating an environment of investment.” 
  • “President Trump’s tax plan is smart and timely…What matters is how well Main Street is doing. These reforms will be a tremendous boost to the middle class.”

Charles Gasparino, The New York Post: “On paper, the new tax plan would cut onerously high rates for companies that force businesses to move overseas. Individuals and, most importantly, middle-class families get some much- needed tax relief.”

  • “Trump deserves credit for at least crafting the outlines of a plan that is the most pro-growth fiscal agenda since the ones developed by Ronald Reagan in the 1980s.”
  • Many small businesses — who now file their taxes as individuals and are thus subject to the highest federal rates — would get a boost as well.”

Stephen Moore, CNN: “The lower rates on businesses — 20% for corporations and 25% for most small businesses — would almost certainly incentivize more hiring, higher wages and more capital investment.”

  • “Chopping our corporate tax rate nearly in half would bring capital, jobs and businesses back home to all of the states. What better way to shake the rust off the Rust Belt?”
  • “And just to set the record straight, every time taxes have been cut in modern times, the economy has accelerated.” 

Jenny Beth Martin, The Hill: “The GOP’s tax reform proposal couldn’t be better

  • “It’s a winner
  • “On the corporate side, it proposes to slash the rate from 35 percent to 20 percent, which would, overnight, make the U.S. a more attractive place for business investment from both home and abroad.”
  • “The plan cuts taxes, simplifies the system, and could generate enough new economic activity to more than pay for itself AND help pay down the national debt. This is the kind of tax reform America needs, and conservatives will push hard for its enactment.”

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